Kitchari Workshop (via zoom)

Kitchari Workshop (via zoom)

Kitchari is a deeply nourishing dish that is a staple in Ayurveda (the sister science to yoga). Traditionally used as a powerful yet gentle cleansing food, it’s typically made with rice, mung beans, vegetables and a combination of Ayurvedic spices. While this may not sound like your typical cleanse we hear about in our modern diet culture, eating kitchari is a gentle way to cleanse the body and remove any build up of toxins. And it’s a great dish to incorporate as we transition to the Spring.

Ultimately, our bodies do a great job of cleansing itself, the body is designed to heal itself! But sometimes our digestion system needs a rest. In Ayurveda, consuming a monodiet of kitchari (known as Panchakarma) is used as a way to reset the system, give the body time to recalibrate, while also keeping the mind steady and clear.

Join Lizzie via zoom for a kitchari making workshop where we’ll be making this nourishing and grounding dish together. While the kitchari cooks, we’ll have a short grounding practice and discuss some other wellness tips for the Spring transition.

You can buy tickets by clicking here!

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Mindful Eating + Sacred Nourishment

In this workshop we’ll explore our sacred relationship with the food we eat. Through self-acceptance and a more loving relationship with our bodies and what we feed it, we’ll develop useful tools to beautify our connection with food. Food is medicine and has the power to make us feel at our most optimum levels. In recognizing this powerful correlation, you’ll walk away from this workshop with a better connection to yourself and how you can eat to thrive based on your individual needs. A light plant-based meal will be served.

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